Welcome to Creative Spark
Creative Spark eLearning course for creative & digital businesses.
We have designed this programme to help people like you start your own digital or creative business. We will take you through a logical process and challenge you to answer questions about your business idea.
Start your journey
Sign up today
If you are successful in running a business, there can be lots of rewards such as satisfaction and enjoyment as well as financial rewards. You will need to sign up here to start your Creative Spark journey.
Sign up for Creative SparkWhat you'll learn
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You'll learn about
What is a Creative or Digital business
A creative business is one that uses creativity or design in its services, whereas a digital business is one that sells or utilises digital technology. Some businesses are both digital and creative.
You'll work through
Course Modules
The course includes modules such as:
- Working with others
- Your customers
- Marketing your business
- Making sales
- Risks
- Social and environmental impacts
- Legal issues
- Financial considerations
You'll develop using
Action Learning
By the time you have completed all modules, it should be clearer to you whether you have a sensible viable business idea and whether you have the skills and determination to be successful in your enterprise.
Sign up today
Sign up for Creative SparkOur course partners
Affiliations and contact
Production of this course has been funded by The British Council as part of its Creative Spark programme. It has been put together by Nottingham Trent University in the UK in partnership with Yerevan State University in Armenia.